Hello to all the friends of The Winning Lane.
I’ve been long contemplating rebranding The Winning Lane and I finally decided to pull the trigger today.
When I started this website, I wanted it to have a catchy name and I decided on the name The Winning Lane. As the site grew, I started noticing that my author page was one of the most visited pages on the site although this website is a single author website. To eliminate the confusion, I decided to set the domain name to LaneGoodwin.com.
From today on you can access all the articles that previously existed on thewinninglane.com by the address lanegoodwin.com.
You don’t need to change anything as the old domain automatically redirects to the new domain but it will help to rename the bookmark entry if you had bookmarked it when the site was named The Winning Lane. Subscribers of The Winning Lane need not do anything as their subscription is automatically transferred to the new domain. New emails will arrive with the name “Lane Goodwin” instead of “The Winning Lane”. As it has always been the case, you can unsubscribe from the list anytime you want by clicking unsubscribe from the email notifications that I send to your email address.
I hope that you will have a great time at LaneGoodwin.com.
-Lane Goodwin