What is the ideal male body type to attract women, an athletic or a muscular build? Both body types are lean and strong, so which one do women like more? In this article, I will compare the athletic build and the muscular build in terms of attractiveness to women as I had both body types at …
Pull-Up Grips: Wide, Close, Neutral, Supinated, Or Pronated – What Is The Best Grip Combination To Build Bigger And Wider Lats?
Doing Pull-Ups (or Chin-Ups) works your lats so it's a great way to build a bigger and wider back. There are various ways to grip the bar when performing a pull-up or a chin-up. A pronated (overhand) grip where your palms point outwards so that they are facing away from you.A supinated …
Superior Beliefs Create Superior Men
There’s one thing that keeps you from achieving your dreams. Whether you want to make money, get pretty girls, lose weight, build muscle, achieve freedom, travel the world, there is one obstacle holding you back. You are not inferior. You are not stupid. You don’t have bad …
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10 Reasons Why You Should Always Be Willing To Walk Away
Yesterday, I was talking to my girlfriend. At one point in our conversation, she said: -You are never afraid to lose me. I never told her that, but it’s true. She could leave me today and, sure, I would suffer for a while but I would be ok with that. I love my girlfriend but it’s not …
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How to Apply Progressive Overload To Bodyweight Training
Progressive overload is the #1 principle of strength training. If you want to get stronger, you need to progressively overload the stress you put on your muscles. If you do the same training over and over, you will remain the same. If you gradually increase the stress on your muscles, you …
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Losing Fat vs Building Muscle – A Thorough, 10 Way Comparison
A couple of years ago, I was fat and I lacked muscle mass. My aim was to lose fat and build muscle. I managed to do both. I learned a great deal about how everything works with building muscle or losing fat. Here's a detailed comparison of the two, coming from my personal …
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Rely On Your Own Strength Instead Of Somebody Else’s Compassion
The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert is one of my favorite books. The book is composed of letters Gary Halbert wrote to his son from Boron AFS prison. Most of the letters are about copywriting and money advice to his son. Nevertheless, he doesn't neglect to provide valuable advice on other areas …
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Why Did You Fall In Love With That Average Looking Girl?
Men want pretty girls. But more often than not, they find themselves head over heels in love with an average or *gasp* an ugly girl. When this happens, you get confused. You didn’t even like her the first time you saw her. How in the hell did this happen? Why did you fall in love with this …
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Top 12 Mistakes Every Man Should Avoid When Trying To Attract Women
Mistake #1) You Are Timid This is #1 because if you are timid, correcting the remaining mistakes in the list will not help you much. Unfortunately, timidity is the most common mistake men make when they are trying to be attractive to women. Women are attracted to masculinity. Timidity is …
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