There’s one thing that keeps you from achieving your dreams.
Whether you want to make money, get pretty girls, lose weight, build muscle, achieve freedom, travel the world, there is one obstacle holding you back.
You are not inferior.
You are not stupid.
You don’t have bad genetics.
You are not lazy.
Your biggest obstacle preventing you from getting what you want in life is your belief system.
Average Beliefs Create Average Men
Most of your beliefs come from your childhood.
Beliefs are strong predictors of success in life.
If you didn’t already take serious measures to change them, your current beliefs are the result of what you’ve learned from your parents, teachers or the mainstream media. Your parents and teachers were probably average people.
I’m not saying that your parents or teachers have deliberately misled you. They were probably well-meaning but if they knew better, they would already be successful. Nevertheless, most people are not successful. Most people are average, and average people suck.
If your know-how comes from average people, you will inevitably be average too.
Examples of average advice:
- Average money-making advice: Go to a good school and find a good job. (You can be rich and free after you are 65)
- Average advice to get girls: Be nice. (Watch other men get all the girls while you masturbate to porn)
- Average fitness advice: Walking, running, aerobic exercise (End up fat, weak and out of shape)
- Average weight loss advice: Whatever the dishonest mainstream media is pushing at the moment. (End up fat and unable to lose weight)
When an average man reaches the age of 18, his beliefs are already formed and unlikely to change.
False beliefs result in failure and since you were supposed to succeed with those beliefs, you lose your confidence.
If your beliefs are right and you fail, then there must be something wrong with you. You start to feel inferior.
There’s nothing wrong with you. What’s holding you back is your beliefs. If you knew how to achieve your goals, you would achieve them.
If you want to get ahead in life, you need to unlearn what you learned in your childhood.
You must unbelieve your beliefs.
Read more: Is That The Man You Want To Be?
How I Changed My Life by Changing My Beliefs
In 2011 I was fat. I had a dead-end job. I was smoking and drinking every day. I had given up on my future.
I had done everything right in life. I went to school. Graduated from a reputable college. I worked at good jobs at multinational companies.
Although I was successful on paper, I was not happy.
I was stuck in a cubicle for days, weeks, months and years. The pay was ok but I was nowhere near rich. I actually didn’t care much about the money. I cared more about my freedom but I was slaving away my days in jobs I neither liked nor cared about.
I was tired of my life but I didn’t know what to do about it. I believed that I had already done everything right.
Then, I started questioning everything. My beliefs were certainly not working for me. I searched for alternative sources of information. I found more information than I was looking for. Which information was correct? I tested everything until I found what actually works.
I quit smoking, lost weight, quit my job, moved to another country, started new businesses, quit drinking, built six pack abs and built a muscular body. I had a lot of girlfriends in the process.
I’m a thousand times happier at 41 than I was at 36. Most importantly, I managed to replace my old beliefs with new ones and I’m full of hope for an even better future.
I believed that I was lazy. I believed that there was something seriously wrong with me. I had lost my confidence.
If you feel this way, don’t be quick to blame yourself.
You don’t know your potential until you question your beliefs and decide to sit in the driver’s seat of your life.
Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life
We are all humans. We didn’t make it to the top of the food chain for nothing. We are the kings of the world.
I guarantee you that there’s nothing in your genetics to prevent you from succeeding. A very tiny percentage of people win the genetic lottery in the world. Luckily, you don’t need to win the genetic lottery to be successful in life.
You already have the potential. If your beliefs are not working for you, you can replace them with better ones. When you start seeing results, you will feel more confident every day. If you discover something is working, you will be a lot more enthusiastic to practice more of it and get better every day.
- 5 days of work for 2 days of holiday is not a rewarding deal.
- 15 years of school for a shitty cubicle job is not a rewarding deal.
- When the world is full of pretty girls, marrying a plain Jane is not a rewarding deal.
You will do better in life if you know that the rewards will be proportional to your efforts.
If you are not happy with your life, start changing it today. Believe that you can do it. Everything starts with believing in yourself. There are superior ways to achieve in life. If you believe that you can do it, you will find the know-how.
When you know how to do it, you will succeed.
It’s never too late.
I changed my life after 36 and never looked back.
If I could do it, why can’t you?
I can’t give you a magic bullet but I can at least show you what worked for me.
That’s why I built this website.