Most men get their life advice from the mainstream media (MSM).
Mainstream media has such an enormous authority over the lives of modern people that most people never question their advice.
Mainstream media is every man’s enemy.
Following the advice of the mainstream media has zero advantages for a man.
If you want to get ahead in life, you should completely ignore the mainstream and look for alternative sources of information.
Here’s why.
1. The Mainstream Media Puts Women Above Men
Mainstream media is always extremely sensitive to the problems of women but men’s problems get swept under the rug. (Gay men are protected for now because they tend to spend more money but it’s just a matter of time until the tide turns against them too).
Women can behave like women, but men can’t behave like men.
They will accuse you of trivial things like mansplaining, manspreading, toxic masculinity, and so on. These are not real problems. These are what the MSM and the feminists invented in order to control masculine behavior.
Men explaining things is mansplaining. Men sitting like men is manspreading. Men acting like men is toxic masculinity.
If an older man dates a younger woman, he’s bashed for acting immature. He is bullied into dating “age-appropriate”.
On the other hand, if a woman dates a younger man, she is celebrated. -You go girl.
Commercials and sitcoms paint men as know-nothings. The husband is almost always the dumbest member of the family. He is clueless about how everything works. He doesn’t have pride, integrity, intelligence or any other positive qualities. He is just a workhorse providing for his family and a laughing stock for other people’s entertainment.
Men are painted as rapists. False rape accusations go rampant in the mainstream media and they never even bother to apologize if the man is cleared of accusations. When their hoaxes are uncovered, they double down, claiming that what they are doing is deterring other men from future rapes.
They try to shame even the smallest masculine behaviors such as watching sports or cursing.
According to the mainstream media, everything that is masculine is wrong.
This garbage passes as “documentary” and gets applauded:
Men are even bashed for training for strength and building muscle.
According to the MSM, everything a man does is wrong but nothing a woman does can be wrong. All faults of women can be traced back to the faults of men.
Today, most men can’t even find a girl to meet their basic needs. Men need sex. Sex is a basic need that’s placed the lowest in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Male suicide rates are at a record high. Jobs are disappearing. And the mainstream media still talks about male privilege. What male privilege? Men are now more miserable than ever, but as I said, men’s problems are swept under the rug. They even dare to call us privileged.
Today’s man can’t even have his most basic needs met, but according to the mainstream media, we should all ignore our problems and try to solve the made-up problems of women.
Feminism is nothing but equality. It’s a movement to put women above men and mainstream media is its primary enabler.
They lie about you, they bash you, they put women above you.
Why would you read their newspapers or magazines?
Why would you watch their TV channels?
2. Mainstream Media Fat Loss Advice Is False
The goal of mainstream media diet advice is to sell you bullshit weight loss products.
Dieting industry was worth $586.3 billion in 2014 and it’s only growing because capitalism requires corporations to constantly grow.
If people actually lost weight, the corporate masters would lose their profits. The owners of the mainstream media institutions overlap with the owners of the food industry corporations so none of this should be surprising to you.
For these reasons, they never reveal the secrets of losing weight.
They make you believe that there’s something wrong with your metabolism. Or it’s in your genes to be fat. They deliberately give bullshit weight loss advice to confuse you and to sell you products that don’t work. They deliberately hide the truths about fitness because the truth isn’t profitable.
People regard televisions, newspapers, and magazines as the ultimate authorities so it’s hard to change their minds. If it’s announced on TV or written in newspapers/magazines, people assume that it’s true.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Following mainstream media diet advice will lead you to make dieting mistakes and you’ll forever stay fat.
I told my girlfriend to ignore the mainstream advice and follow my weight loss advice. A few weeks after she started following my methods, she got in perfect shape with a 24-inch waist. Today, she easily maintains that figure because she learned the dieting principles that work. All her friends are curious about how she does it, so she is spreading the word and making her friends’ lives better.
While losing weight is not easy, maintaining your shape is infinitely easier.
Ignore the mainstream, get your diet in order, get in shape, and with what you learn in the process, maintaining your shape will be easy.
Last but not least, another thing that hurts men about bad MSM diet advice is that it makes women fat.
Fat women are unattractive. As more and more women get fatter and fatter, it’s getting increasingly harder for a man to find a girl fairly in shape and attractive.
3. Mainstream Media Exercise Advice Is False
If you don’t know the truths about building muscle, it’s probably because no one told them to you.
For all my life, mainstream media promoted aerobic exercise as the right method to work out. Aerobic exercise is a common name for the exercises like walking, jogging, and exercising on treadmills, stair steppers, and the like.
While aerobic exercise is not bad for you, it’s an extremely inefficient way to lose weight. Moreover, it does nothing to keep your muscle mass while you are dieting. And it doesn’t build muscle either.
Losing muscle mass is the most detrimental part of aging, so it’s downright dangerous for your health.
Strength training, on the other hand, is superior to aerobic exercise in every way.
I followed the MSM exercise advice and ran for years, with nothing to show for. Only after I started strength training, I managed to get in excellent shape and I even built six pack abs.
Strength training is more effective for losing weight, it helps you keep your muscle mass while you are losing weight, it builds muscle, it prevents cancer, obesity, heart disease, and many more.
Aerobic exercise can’t compare yet mainstream media pushes it down your throat as the ultimate way to work out. Bodybuilding is ridiculed and bullied.
You can read a detailed comparison of aerobic exercise and strength training in my article entitled Book Review: “Muscle Up: How Strength Training Beats Obesity, Cancer, and Heart Disease, and Why Everyone Should Do It” by P. D. Mangan.
Disregard what mainstream media says and just start strength training. There are countless benefits to strength training that I wrote a whopping 4-part article series on the Benefits of Strength Training. I urge you to read all the articles to have a grasp of the life-changing benefits of strength training.
4. Mainstream Media Pick Up Advice Is False
If you learned how to pick up girls from the mainstream media, you are out of luck.
Mainstream advice for getting girls is
- Be yourself
- Compliment her
- Be understanding and nice to her
- Take her to dinner dates
- Buy her flowers
- Put her on a pedestal
If you weren’t born yesterday, you should already know that none of these things work.
Not only this kind of advice will not get you any girls, but also it will turn you into a doormat.
Being a nice guy doesn’t work for getting girls.
Girls respond to dominant, confident and strong men. Nice guys eat shit.
But the mainstream media never teaches men how to do any of these things.
If you follow mainstream media pick-up advice, you will end up masturbating to porn or getting an inferior girl.
The truth is, being yourself is not enough.
To be attractive to women, you need to constantly improve yourself.
Lift weights, lose weight, make money, increase your confidence, and don’t fear approaching girls.
These are what you need to do if you want to increase your odds of getting girls, but you’ll never hear them from the mainstream media.
MSM relationship advice is not good either. Men are clueless about how to act in a relationship. As a result, divorce rates are getting higher and higher.
5. Mainstream Media Career And Financial Advice Is False
Mainstream career advice is, go to college and work a cubicle job until you retire.
School is a prison. So is a cubicle job. And a cubicle job will rarely earn you a comfortable life. You will be living paycheck to paycheck and you will immediately go broke the moment you lose your job.
Trading 5 days in a week to get 2 free days is not a good deal. Trading a year in exchange for a 2-week vacation is not a good deal.
When will you travel the world? Is 2-weeks a year enough? Will you travel when you are retired? Will you waste your best years in school and cubicles?
Most people take MSM advice seriously and work for survival wages for a lifetime. And that’s when they have jobs. Finding a job is becoming increasingly harder.
And even when you make some money, MSM encourages you to spend it on useless things. Corporations need to make money so they will advise you to spend your money on expensive cars, shiny toys, useless homes. And they advise you to buy all these things on credit. Being in debt will make it harder to leave the system and it will put more burden and stress on your shoulders.
MSM also has financial experts about the economy, investments, and the stock market. These experts can almost never predict the ups and downs in the stock market. They can never predict economic crises or recessions either. In fact, you will be better off if you rely on astrology for your economic decisions and investments, rather than the advice of these so-called experts.
Mainstream media has no place in a man’s life.
It is not your friend. It’s your enemy.
You don’t take your life advice from your enemy, right?
The ironic part is, men invented paper, press, the radio, television, and satellite. Now they are shooting us with the guns we invented.
For the last 5 years of my life, I cut off all my contact with the mainstream media. These five years have been the best years of my life and it’s getting better every day.
I no longer watch TV, read newspapers or magazines. Upon coming to the conclusion that following the news sets me up for failure in life, I stopped watching the news.
I used to love watching movies but I cut down on that too because Hollywood is increasingly pushing the mainstream propaganda.
I encourage you to do the same. You will not regret it.